This course will allow you to better understand how you can commit to ALFI. We want to allow everyone to get involved according to their desires, their experience, and their availability.
The first requirement that we impose on ourselves is a requirement of truth. Looking at Senegal and the countries of Africa as they are: knowing how to name the problems, but also identifying what works. Between dogmatism and the manipulation of reality, there is the requirement of reality. Between conservatism and populism, there is progressivism. Looking at our countries as they are at the local level is what we have done for months, meeting elected officials, associations, and residents. We have also asked our members to share the best municipal initiatives, sometimes stemming from civic projects carried out by young people that ALFI supports throughout the territory. Result: a panoply of projects that work and from which everyone can draw inspiration for their municipality.
Ouakam Niayes Bi lot N°188
Box 158 in Dakar, Senegal
Call Number +227711202526
Registered in Senegal: 18932/MINT/DGAT/DLP/DLA-PA/BA